Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Book of Job: "Greatest poem ... of ancient or modern literature"



The Book of Job has long been praised as a masterpiece of literature.

Consider these quotes:

"Tomorrow, if all literature was to be destroyed and it was left to

me to retain one work only, I should save Job." (Victor Hugo)

"...the greatest poem, whether of ancient or modern literature."


"The Book of Job taken as a mere work of literary genius, is one of

the most wonderful productions of any age or of any language."

(Daniel Webster)

What is it about the book that prompts such praise? Most Christians I

know don't feel that way about the Book of Job. Perhaps it is because

many tend to neglect the Old Testament altogether. Yet Paul wrote of

the value of the Old Testament scriptures:

For whatever things were written before were written for our

learning, that we through the patience and comfort of the

Scriptures might have hope. (Ro 15:4)

Note that the Old Testament was written for our learning, that it

provides patience and comfort, and as such can be a source of hope.

This is especially true with the story of Job, to whom James referred

when seeking to instill patience (cf. Jm 5:10-11). Because the Book of

Job is so often neglected, yet presents a valuable lesson and is so

highly praised by even people of the world, Christians should certainly

take the time to study this portion of God's Word!

THE PLACE OF JOB IN THE OLD TESTAMENT: Job is the first of five books

commonly referred to as "The Books Of Poetry". These include Job,

Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, and the Song of Solomon. Called such

because they are written in poetic style in contrast to the narrative

style of most other books, they are also often referred to as "Wisdom

Literature" (especially Job, Proverbs, and Ecclesiastes). Oswald

Chambers (1874-1917) offered this concise summary of the five books:

* Job - How to suffer

* Psalms - How to pray

* Proverbs - How to act

* Ecclesiastes - How to enjoy

* Song of Solomon - How to love

Now let's take a look at the Book of Job in particular...

AUTHOR AND DATE OF WRITING: [Comment: The AMAIC has identified Job as Tobias son of Tobit of the C8th BC] Who wrote the book, and when? No one

really knows. Jewish tradition attributes the book to Moses, and other

authors have been suggested (Job, Elihu, Solomon, Isaiah, Hezekiah, and

Baruch, Jeremiah's scribe). "All that can be said with certainty is

that the author was a loyal Hebrew who was not strictly bound by the

popular creed that assumed suffering was always the direct result of

sin" (Jamieson, Fausset, and Brown). Because the author is unknown,

it's date has been hotly debated among scholars. Some think it was

written before Moses (pre 1500 B.C.). Others put it at the time of

Solomon (ca. 900 B.C.), and some even as late as the Babylonian Exile

or later (post 600 B.C.).

The uncertainty of author and date does not nullify the book's

inspiration, for it is affirmed in the New Testament. Paul quotes from

it on several occasions in his writings (cf. 1Co 3:19 with Job 5:13;

and Ro 11:35 with Job 41:11). For the Christian who accepts the

inspiration of the New Testament, such evidence is sufficient.

THE HISTORICITY OF THE BOOK: Even though inspired, are we to take the

events described in it as historically true? There are several reasons

for believing that they are:

* The style of the opening and close of the book certainly conform

to other Biblical narratives that are historical (cf. 1:1 with

1Sa 1:1 and Lk 1:5).

* In Ezekiel 14:14, Job is mentioned along with Noah and Daniel,

two other figures of history.

* James, the Lord's brother, refers to Job as an example of

perseverance (Jm 5:11).

THE SETTING OF THE BOOK: The historical events appear to be set in

the "Patriarchal" period (i.e., sometime between Noah and Moses). There

are no allusions to the Law of Moses in the book, but there is a

mention of a flood (22:16). Job functions as a priest in offering

sacrifices for his family (1:5), similar to what we find with Abraham

(cf. Gen 12:7). His longevity is typical of the patriarchs (42:16;

cf. Gen 11:22-26,32). For such reasons I would place him somewhat

contemporary with Abraham (i.e., ca 2000 B.C.).

THE PURPOSE OF THE BOOK: It is common to suggest that the purpose of

the book is to answer the age-old question, "Why does God allow the

righteous to suffer?" That is certainly the question Job raises, but

it is worthy to note that he himself never receives a direct answer.

Nor is one given by the author, other than to answer Satan's challenge,

"Does Job fear God for nothing?". We are privileged to know of the

challenge of Satan, and that God allows Job to suffer in answer to that

challenge, but Job is never told of this. Therefore, I suggest that

the purpose of the book is:

To answer the question, "How should the righteous suffer?"

While Job's questions and complaints often come close to charging God

with wrong, he never crosses the line and humbly submits to God when

told that the answers to his questions are beyond his ability to

understand. Thus the book shows us how the righteous should bear up

under suffering ("You have heard of the perseverance of Job" - Jm 5: 11)

SOME LESSONS FROM THE BOOK: In his study on the book (The Book Of

Job, Quality Pub.), Wayne Jackson offers the following lessons to be


* The book defends the absolute glory and perfection of God - It

sets forth the theme echoed in Ps 18:3 ("I will call upon the

Lord, who is worthy to be praised"). God is deserving of our

praise simply on the basis of who He is, apart from the blessings

He bestows. Satan denied this (1:9-11), but Job proved him

wrong (1:20-22; 2:10).

* The question of suffering is addressed - Why do we suffer? Who

or what causes it? Why doesn't God do something? Not all

questions are answered, but some important points are made:

- Man is unable to subject the painful experiences of human

existence to a meaningful analysis - God's workings are

beyond man's ability to fathom. Man simply cannot tie all

the "loose ends" of the Lord's purposes together. We must

learn to trust in God, no matter the circumstances.

- Suffering is not always the result of personal sin - The

erroneous conclusion drawn by Job's friends is that suffering

is always a consequence of sin. Job proves this is not the


- Suffering may be allowed as a compliment to one's spirituality

- God allowed Job to suffer to prove to Satan what kind of man

he really was. What confidence God had in Job!

* The book paints a beautiful picture of "patience" - The Greek word

is "hupomone", which describes the trait of one who is able to

abide under the weight of trials. From the "patience of Job", we

learn that it means to maintain fidelity to God, even under great

trials in which we do not understand what is happening.

* The book also prepares the way for the coming of Jesus Christ!

- His coming is anticipated in several ways. Job longs for a

mediator between him and God (9:33; 33:23), and Jesus is one

(1Ti 2:5). Job confessed his faith in a Redeemer who would one

day come (19:25); Christ is that Redeemer (Ep 1:7)!

BRIEF OUTLINE (adapted from Warren Wiersbe)



B. HIS ADVERSITY (1:6-2:13)




1. Eliphaz (4-5)_Job's reply (6-7)

2. Bildad (8)_Job's reply (9-10)

3. Zophar (11)_Job's reply (12-14)


1. Eliphaz (15)_Job's reply (16-17)

2. Bildad (18)_Job's reply (19)

3. Zophar (20)_Job's reply (21)


1. Eliphaz (22)_Job's reply (23-24)

2. Bildad (25)_Job's reply (26-31)


1. Contradicting Job's friends (32)

2. Contradicting Job himself (33)

3. Proclaiming God's justice, goodness, and majesty (34-37)


A. GOD HUMBLES JOB (38:1-42:6)

1. Through questions too great to answer (38:1-41:34)

2. Job acknowledges his inability to understand (42:1-6)

B. GOD HONORS JOB (42:7-17)

1. God rebukes his critics (42:7-10)

2. God restores his wealth (42:11-17)


1) What are Job, Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, and Song of Solomon,

often called?

- Books of Poetry

- Wisdom Literature

2) Who wrote the book, and when?

- We do not know

3) What evidence is there that this book describes an event that

actually occurred?

- It both starts and ends like other books of history in the Old


- Job is included with Noah and Daniel, as figures of history, in

Ezek 14:14

- James refers to the example of Job in teaching on perseverance

(Jm 5:11)

4) In what historical time frame is the story of Job possibly set?

- During the period of the patriarchs, perhaps contemporary with


5) What is the purpose of this book, as suggested in the introduction?

- To answer the question, "How should the righteous suffer?"

6) According to the outline suggested above, what are the three main

divisions of the book?

- Job's Distress (1-3)

- Job's Defense (4-37)

- Job's Deliverance (38-42)

Taken from:

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