Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Wrong Reference Regarding Geography of Tobit

A Dumm Mistake:

my apologies to Fr. Mackenzie

Damien Mackey (Editor): In the Supplement to the March issue of our MATRIX newsletter, I, in my argument that the geography of the Book of Tobit was not actually nonsensical, acknowledged the difficulty that commentators nonetheless have when trying to make sense of it as it currently reads. “This absurd situation”, I wrote, “has prompted Fr. MacKenzie, in The Jerome Biblical Commentary (article “Tobit”, footnote comment on 5a), to remark that: “[The angel] Raphael knows the journey of life far better than the route to Media!” Whilst, according to The Jerusalem Bible, “the geography is inexact”.” 

The only problem with all this is that no Fr. Mackenzie (and there appear to be two of them contributing to The Jerome Biblical Commentary) actually authored the “Tobit” article.

The author was instead a (Rev.) Demetrius Dumm.

For an explanation of what we believe to be the correct geography, see:

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